Sunday, December 20, 2009


I can't keep up with today's technology! Everytime I turn around the world has changed. I'm not saying that's bad, but it makes my jokes and gags have a very short life span. What am I to do with all my toons with people using pagers? I actually have numerous gags concerning Video cassettes. They are much more humorous than DVDs, but many kids growing up today have never seen a VCR. Blu-ray has potential for some fun, though. I'm still drawing my cartoons and comics with a pen. Am I living in the dinosaur age or what? Some guy told me he draws and paints with a mouse. That could be messy, especially for the rodent. I give up on trying to be current or relavent. Golly, I still have a music collection on cassette tapes.
If something is funny, I'm gonna draw it! Even if it's out of touch and old. At least the seniors will have a laugh.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Most in today's society crave instant gratification and I am no different. I do not like waiting. Microwaves are one of our greatest inventions. This is the wonder of single panel cartooning. No wading through a storyline or character developement. One picture, one punchline. Great for the cartoonist and great for the reader. A whole story in one panel. It does take some skill to pull it off, but satisfaction is great and it is swift. Not everyone likes to read a comic book, but everyone loves a cartoon!

Friday, December 11, 2009


You saw it first right here at the BUDGET COMICS blog. My six year old grandson is a budding artist and you have the privilege to see one of his first masterpieces. One day, when he is famous, this drawing will be worth millions. Christian Shipley. Make note of that name, you WILL hear it again!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I'll probably get into trouble for saying this, but women have a different sense of humor than men. I'll draw a cartoon that absolutely cracks me up and show it to my wife and she will have a blank look on her face, or worse yet, a look of disdain. Let's face it, men laugh at gross stuff. They think pain is funny. And, more often than not, they snicker at things women deem very serious.

When I began doing cartoons for supermarket tabloids and other magazines geared toward the fairer sex, I had to think differently. I had to imagine, "Now what is funny to a female?".

Such a task is not easy for a man. A few times, I actually hit the nail on the head and sold a 'toon to a femaile audience, but most of the time the women editor's mailed me back a big fat rejection notice.

So, mostly, I stay on my side of the fence, cooking up jokes that appeal to my own gender. But, occassionally, my wife laughs out loud at one of my drawings and I realize that sometimes humor appeals to us all.

Monday, December 7, 2009


It's getting harder and harder to crack a joke or create a cartoon these days. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of humorous material. People all around are as funny as all get out. It's just that too many people are too sensitive. Everyone wants to sue everybody for anything. The public is losing it's sense of humor. That's one reason that I "self-publish". Most editors wouldn't approve of some of my material, not because it's not funny, but somebody, somewhere will be offended in some way. And that, my freind is NOT funny, it's sad!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


It's always tough to get started. Beginning a blog is sorta like starting my old jalopy in the winter. Lots of sputtering and spitting, but no real action. Once that car gets going there's no stopping it and that's what it's like for me on a new project. But, alas, you must endure my sputtering and spitting before the ride begins.........